Posts Tagged ‘Appreciation’

A Foundation of Life

Vital Life Foundation - electricity image
Vital = Life

Everything that is life generating is VITAL – Life-Giving Force.

The Vital Life Foundation is a vehicle and an ORGANization based on sharing and utilizing the tools, concepts, ideas, beliefs, actions, foods, etc…that are LIFE – GENERATING!!!

Each one of us knows deep within our being – what is innately going to increase our Vitality or diminish it.

By being a part of the Vital Life Foundation you are devoting yourself to this continual, never-ending, expanding lifestyle of LOVE ~ JOY ~ APPRECIATION AND MAGNIFICENCE!

After reading these few words, our hopes are that you are more connected to your innate intelligence – and you listen to your HEART at least one more time today.

You are adored, loved and appreciated beyond conception!